Jun 26, 2008

The Davinci Code Debunked: The Real Truth About The Development Of The New Testament

Have you ever wondered where the New Testament came from?

Do you know when those documents were first considered to be scripture?

Do you know how to respond to the challenges from the Davinci Code regarding the origin of the New Testament?

The film posted below explores the claim that the documents for the New Testament were selected by Rome in the 4th century.

It explores the following questions:

-Is there evidence that New Testament documents were already considered Scripture in the first century?

-Did the early church leaders of the second and third centuries give us an indication of what they considered Scripture to be?

-What is the Muratorian Fragment and why is it important?

-Who is Irenaeus and what did he have to say about the gospels?

-Are the claims of Dan Brown, the author of the Davinci Code, credible?

-How extensively did the early church leaders quote the New Testament before the 4th century?

-Did the apostle Paul and the apostle Peter have anything to say on the matter?

-After viewing this shocking film you will never look at the New Testament the same way again:

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