Nov 29, 2008

Announcing The Release Of Our New YouTube Video - Yoga: Gateway To Hinduism, New Age Religion And The Occult

Today we have released a brand new YouTube video about the dangers of yoga. Over ten million Americans are practicing some form of yoga, but the vast majority of them have absolutely no idea what they are involving themselves in. The truth is that you can't take yoga out of Hinduism and you can't take the Hinduism out of yoga.

For instance, did you know that "yoga" is literally a Sanskrit word that means to yoke with Brahman?

Did you know that many of the mantras that yoga instructors have their followers chant are actually the names of Hindu gods?

Did you know that many of the practices of yoga are specifically designed to call forth Hindu deities?

Did you know that a large percentage of those who get involved with yoga also get involved with Hinduism, New Age religion and the occult?

The truth is that yoga and Christianity are diametrically opposed to each other, and if you are a Christian that is involved with yoga then you really need to watch this video:

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