Jan 26, 2009

The Daily Buzz - Is The Flood Of Foreclosures Worse Than We Think?

-CNN says that the flood of foreclosures is worse than we think.

-The Washington Post says that the economic downturn is accelerating as it circles the globe.

-The economic crisis has fueled civil unrest in eastern Europe.

-Iceland's government has collapsed under the strain of the financial crisis.

-Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Al Sheikh, Saudi Arabia's most senior cleric, says that those saying 10 or 12-year-old girls are too young to marry are being "unfair" to those girls.

-The infamous Mexican "Stew Maker" dissolved 300 drug war victims in tubs of acid. Have any of your friends disappeared in Mexico lately?

-What the drug companies are doing to the water in India is absolutely shocking.

-Is the Federal Reserve about to get a whole bunch more power?

-Freddie Mac says that it needs another bailout.

-Jim Rogers, one of the world's best known investors, claims that the British financial system "is finished".

-U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown says that the economic crisis should be treated as "the difficult birth-pangs of a new global order".

-Even in the middle of this economic crisis, gun sales are booming.

-Lastly, a database containing details on every single child in the U.K. will be rolled out today.

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