Apr 6, 2009

The Daily Buzz - Barack Obama Calls For "A World Without Nuclear Weapons"

-Barack Obama is calling for "a world without nuclear weapons".

-Obama has also reportedly made the decision "to slash military spending".

-At least 90 people are believed dead and tens of thousands homeless after a massive earthquake in central Italy.

-New lab tests show that bottled water across the U.S. contains a wide variety of toxic substances.

-Another new study reveals that fish from five U.S. rivers have been found to be tainted with traces of medications and common chemicals.

-Pakistani officials say that American drone attacks in Pakistan are causing a massive humanitarian emergency.

-The Vatican is now saying that the Knights Templar hid the Shroud of Turin from 1204 until the middle of the fourteenth century.

-One church in the Netherlands actually has a pastor who openly declares himself to be an atheist.

-Is the U.S. government surveying cemetery readiness in preparation for a massive flu outbreak?

-Bird Flu has been found on a western Kentucky poultry farm.

-Does the Obama administration want direct control over America's banks?

-The BBC has posted a story with this stunning headline: New World Order Emerges From Chaos

-Yahoo! News has posted a story with this headline: Barack Obama's New World Order

-Newsweek magazine is at it again. Now they are running an article entitled: The End of Christian America

-The number of Republican politicians that have been involved in sex scandals is absolutely mind blowing.

-Will a new bill give Obama control of Internet?

-Is the H5N1 virus adapting to pigs in Indonesia?

-Barack Obama's deep head and bended-knee bow of submission before King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is getting a lot of attention.

-A British school had kids as young as 11 shouting obscenities during a lesson on swearing.

-Lastly, is H.R. 875 an attempt by the agricultural giants to kill organic farming?

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