A team that was a preseason favorite to go to the Super Bowl didn't even make the playoffs.
But it was the way the team came apart like a 20 dollar suit in a must win against the hated Eagles that has Cowboy fans absolutely seething.
One very bitter Cowboys fan penned the following very eloquent statement about the loss to the Eagles on the Dallas Sports Keg blog - "the Cowboy season crashed and burned faster than Lindsay Lohan's career."
One commenter on a Dallas Morning News blog posted this riddle:
Q: What do the 2008 Dallas Cowboys have in common with a possum?
A: Both play DEAD and get KILLED on the ROAD
However, one Cowboys fan decided to take his bitterness to the Cowboys himself.
Cowboys fan Alan Lowe actually wore a sign outside the Cowboy's training facility that had the words: "The Cowboys have no heart" in front and "Wade Phillips is a embarrassment to the Star" in back.
Cowboys linebacker Bradie James saw Lowe as James was leaving the complex.
James got out of his car and ripped the sign and broke the man's glasses in the process.
The police were actually summoned, but James settled the dispute by giving Lowe a new pair of Oakley sunglasses.
Other Cowboy fans may not be placated so easily.....
From the Blogging The Boys blog comes this frank assessment of quarterback Tony Romo: "Romo, again, wilted on the biggest stages when we needed him the most."
Dallas fan Cary Clack wrote this about the 44-6 loss to the Eagles: "The Cowboys had so many costly turnovers that they looked more like an upscale bakery than a highly paid professional football team."
So how are Eagles fans feeling about all of this?
Well, they aren't being shy about rubbing the noses of Dallas fans in the 44-6 loss.
Just check out Ryan Parker's new parody song entitled "A Trip to the Woodshed".....
Such an obsession with football. This is a sad commentary on America.